Tuesday 14 April 2015

Eduardo Galeona ( 3/09/40 - 12/4/15) R.I.P Poet laureate of the anti globalisation movement.

Sadly another truthsayer has gone, Eduardo Galeona,  poet laureatte of the anti-globalisation  movement, a Uruguayan writer, poet, anti-capitalist of much depth. A committed  socialist, whose historical works condemned European and US  colonialist exploitation of Latin America over 5 centuries, which made him a revered figure among leftists. He died aged 74 after a battle with lung cancer.
Weaving tapestries of society obscured by historians, his books ( he was a productive writer of over 30 books) presented alternative histories that gave equal weight to the suffering of the downtrodden, as to the grand achievements of better known historical figures.
He was forced  to flee from Uruguay  to neighboring Argentina in 1973, after he was briefly imprisoned  bt recently  installed  military dictatorship, which banned his book Open Veins. He was blacklisted by death squads in Argentina following a military coup and fled to  Spain.
"We have a memory cut in pieces"  he once told Democracy Now. "And  I write trying to recover our real memory, the memory of humankind, what I call the human rainbow, which is much more colourful and beautiful than the other one, the other rainbow. But the human rainbow has been mutilated by machismo, racism, militarism, and a lot of other isms,who have been  terribly killing our greatness,  our possible greatness, our possible beauty."
The following is one of his  fine poems. R.I.P

The right to dream of a better world ( El derecha a sonar)

The right to dream is a poem written and read by Eduardo Galeona.
In  1948, and again  in 1976, the United Nations  proclaimed long lists of  human rights, but most of the worlds people still enjoy only the rights to see, hear and remain silent.
Suppose we excercise the  never  proclaimed right to dream? Lets set our sights above  the abominations of today, to divine another possible world

Edward Galeano - Interview ; Living without fear.

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